Replacing StereoStim Player II with release 1.36

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    Hi, since this forum really needs some fresh topics, I would like to write about my experience on software release 1.36. I bought my Centipede 416 with estim, viby and relay PODs just a few weeks ago. And there was a continuous dialog with Robert before but mainly after buying it. Thank you so much for this, Robert.

    I am one of the “old-fashioned” StereoStim Player II users since a decade and even longer. Using wav/mp3 files brings so much more fun compared to any built-in waveform. So from the beginning I was curious how to use Centipede’s sequencer to “emulate” the StereoStim experience. For this I was discussing a lot with Robert. He implemented so many of my feature requests to make it possible, e.g. the split audio output for Speech and Music, console outputs and the setting of the overall volume level.

    With the new features I was able to implement a sequencer code which comes close the features of StereoStim Player, with random selection of files, individual volume setting per file, and an overall increasing or “cycling” volume for a session. Plus, for sure, the additional features the Centipede provides, like Speech output to announce some special mp3 files, additional estim channels with normal waveform patterns, relay control. I am even able to communicate to my SmartHome system (Homematic) to (de-)activate additional devices, e.g. to reset the timer of a vacuum pump.

    I had a very complex setup before with manual timers, relay modules, an old notebook running the StereoStim Player II. Now, there is just the Centipede 416 with the PODs, controlling more or less everything. An older amazon Fire tablet is used to set up the session initially. An old FireTV stick of 1st generation (too slow meanwhile for media streaming) with amazon’s Silk browser brings an overview of some of the controls to a wall mounted display.

    As already stated by Vonkelso in his product review, the Centipede 416 will vary the intensity of outputs being driven by audio, but not the pulse width or pulse frequency. So the sensation of using the normal estim outputs driven by audio are completely different compared to an amplifier setup with StereoStim Player. I meanwhile made the best out of it, by splitting the audio signal of the Sabrent USB stick – one used as input to drive the built-in estim board, the other connected to the amplifier setup already used with StereoStim Player. So I have both, the “good old” intensity/pulse/frequency feeling from the amplifier, and Centipede’s audio interpretation.

    The sequencer code I implemented allows some configuration, e.g. whether additional estim outputs are completely “automated”, so controlled by random, or whether a 2nd person in the room can control them using the external contacts. The Centipede is listening for activation of the external contacts and reacting accordingly.

    The setup is very exciting already today – still there are many wishes for the future, e.g. (maybe some of them are already possible as of today and I just did not find the right configuration):

    – Custom layout of the control UI: on my 40″ wall display I only can see 4 of the controls. Rather huge for sure. It would be so nice to be able to configure the UI, e.g. to display 4 controls in a row and not only 1 or 2. Doing so, all the controls could be displayed on one screen.
    – More feedback to a 2nd person in the room: the CONSOLE feature is really great for debugging and other feedback during the session. E.g. I am now able to display which mp3/wav file is currently playing at which volume level. But a separate UI control showing the name, a level meter, even maybe the progress in the file and an “envelop” view of the complete sound file (like I know it from StereoStim Player) found be great.
    – “All Stop” button on every screen with no need any longer to scroll to the top (I need to look into the html code – maybe I can do this myself – so good that the code is available to everybody)
    – More waveform patterns
    – Speech could be improved.
    – “+” and “-” buttons for the new Sequencer volume slider in 1.36
    – More buttons on the UI besides the SIGNAL button to allow more interaction in a sequence
    – More external contacts – e.g. to connect additional sensors like movement or approximation.
    – Relay board with included relays. Currently the board is driving external relays.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by nighty.

    Thank you, nighty

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by admin.
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